Saturday, 31 May 2008

Erasmus never ends!

and also our giggles....! :))
I hope your back home travels have been safe and not so sad...
Mine has been soooo long and gloomy 'cause I was thinking of you all...
Anyway, cheers up guys!
Our life goes on and all the experiences we've shared will never die.

Therefore smile!
And I wanna help you doing that: warm up for the incoming EURO 2008!


Thanks Belgium girls! :-))
Reference Sky Sports.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Mr. Brightside

Friday, 16 May 2008

Our pyjamas!

Enjoy our beautiful pyjamas!!!

Everybody (rock your body ...)

Lucie and Jan

The human pyramid



Strip tease!!!!!!!! "You can leave your hat on"...

Manuel and his beautiful pandas

Ivan, Kiril, and Jan

Virginie, Martine, Maria with her hand on Martine's breast :p, and Cristina

Aurélie, Jan, and Lucie

Matteo's pyjama

Jan: certainly the most beautiful pyjama :p

Hey guys, would anyone be interested in this? It's a sort of a big Wolverhampton students thing. It's on Monday. You might have noticed this poster around the halls and the uni. The way it works - you buy a T-shirt and you get a free entrance to participating city centre pubs and bars including Oceana. You might get some free drinks at the SU, I'm not sure, but you get cheap drinks at the city pubs and bars. You'll find more details at Facebook. Keywords: Boom3 Bar Crawl
Let me know if you're interested!!!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

First Warning!


Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Jon Lajoie

"I'm sure there are plenty of blind people out there looking for a date..."

Uahuahuah it's so fucking funny!!
Isn'it?? :)))

More videos HERE.


Monday, 12 May 2008


Hi Guys! This is a little message for people who are going to Dublin next Saturday! I suggest we take the train of 13.11 for the airport!! If everyone agrees, let's say meeting at 12.30 in front of the lomas street reception!
Don't forget to check-in online and print your ticket. You are able to do it from tomorrow!
See you

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Pyjama Party!!!

Hey guys!

The 15th of May,

there is a Pyjama party in Maria's kitchen, Surrey house, 3rd floor, at 10pm.

Why? Because I'm going to leave soon and I'd like to say goodbye to everybody.

Everybody can bring something to eat and especially to drink, whatever you want is welcome!!!! "Don't be shy"

But, don't forget: it's a pyjama party!!!!
You have to wear your!

So, see you the 15th...

And thanks Maria for lending me your kitchen...

Monday, 5 May 2008


Hi Guys!!

On Thursday 8th of May, we are going to celebrate Virginie's birthday and mine at the Varsity!!

You are warmly welcome if you want to join us!!

Meeting at 9.30 pm in front of the reception

See you


Sunday, 4 May 2008


Hey guys!

This monday, let's go together to the Oceana, for the last time maybe!

Meeting in front of Lomas street's reception at 11.00 pm

See you

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Guess those!

Can you do that??? :))

Thursday, 1 May 2008

UPDATE: Lancashire: Ground Zero

Bad news guys.

The caretakers/ residence-leaders/ whoever-they-are-but-from-now-on-known-as-twats have forbidden Matteo to have another party in his kitchen. Apparently, someone didn't like loud music... Do I smell a rat?

Nevertheless, the Finnish/Dutch kitchen will be open for celebration on Saturday whether or not we get a permission.

Now, as a request for you dear party-attendees: would you look up the definition of a "party" from whatever source you can and bring it along with you on the night in question. All definitions are welcome. The more verbose, the better!

And when you do come here on Saturday, the geekiest of you might think of yourselves as starwarsian Rebels fighting the evil Empire. Don't be shy about it but voice it loudly as it's more than applicable here as well.

Due to resons out of their control, Field Marshal Matteo and Major Manuel will not be demoted but will retain their respective ranks as they have done more to us Erasmusees this year than anyone else!

Don't let the Man get you down!

Yours truly, as always,

Commader Tom