Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Welcome in!

Hi guys this is our new space where we can post our feelings, photos and videos!

Ok ok I know, we have to customize this blog..! We must pimp it! :))

To make you feel welcome, enjoy our first crazy video: "Aurélie Show!"

A big hug,

9 ideas:

Maria said...

TEST - Have a good night guys! - TEST

Cris said...

we need to change the language!!! no italiano por favor!!! :)

renaud said...

italia not unooooo

MAnE said...

teo you are our blogmaster...lets change the language
night everybody

Marion said...

vodka, bacardi, lambrusco... how she could drink that!

Den said...

E Bevilo Bevilo Bevilo, tutto d'un fià!

MAnE said...

e l'hai bevuta tutta e non ti ha fatto male e l-acqua che fa male e il vino fa cantar


and you have drunk it and it didn't hurt you, is the water that hurt you the wine make you sing

Den said...

mwhahaha! LOL

Aurélie said...

Oh ... my ... god lol
How is it possible ???